Saturday, September 19, 2009

What on Earth's Roots

Woke up not knowing who you were,
the face in the mirror is distant and drained.
All yourself sees are the questions of these in a blur.
Woke like you've never hoped in your life, your'e pained

Everyone says find something new,
and you've been searching all over your room.
You sought till you cried, nothing left inside.
You whisper what on earth am I fighting for?
All misdirections from your misconceptions
now scraps of paper on the floor,
what are you gonna do?
Then amidst all these blues, there rises up in you
the Old from Before, that cries return to your roots.

When you can't find the new,
Look to your past,
where have you been brought from,
where have you been bought from.
At a loss of what to do,
you only feel what you lack,
Don't turn back, don't fall over,
the wind only grows colder,
just let the storms make you stronger,
who holds your roots firm,
who makes the fire burn,
who keeps your mind strong,
who sings the life song,
don't look to yourself,
don't hide in your wealth,
don't wallow in sorrow,
there will be a tomorrow,
return to your roots,
deeper than before,
return to your roots,
reach to the floor,
return to your roots,
get down on your knees,
return to your roots,
the answers to these,
What on Earth's roots,
What on Earth's roots,
what can you do,
reach down
dig deeper,
peaceful sleeper,
you know what your looking for will finally be found,
when you stop obsessing over futuristic ground,
all new things will come in time,
in the right time,
not on our time,
remember from whence you first came true,
awake from despair, and return to your roots.

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