Monday, May 3, 2010

Tied Out

Oh I'm a little busy girl,
in a great big busy world
it's so easy to forget I'm leaving this old place behind me
cause sometimes worry finds me out
as I step through my ring of doubts
I sense deja-vu, and I smile at you
will I ever learn now,
taking the same turn now

And I try to hide
behind peace that comes from inside
but it runs out dry and leaves a thirst behind
cause I just got started in my day
but oh heavens forgot to pray
I've got a burden Dear God,
you smile and say how odd
so I smile back and let you unwind
my busy mind and the knots I've tied

And so many times my breath rushes back
and you catch my hand and say just relax
you gave that thing to me, now sit and practice peace
at my feet
your worry won't do anything
please trust in me

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