Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wither I Go

Maybe I look misty eyed
but its not from any tears that I've cried
I just can't wait
my spirit shakes

I diligently watch the skies
not wanting to miss the sight of your eyes
when you come back for me
I'm willing and waiting

When I see the sunsets
and the birds fly away
I know that my heart's set
for you on that day
and wither I go I care not as long as I'm with you
When I see the clouds roll
and thunder rush on high
I sigh within myself
it could be tonight
and wither I go I care not because I'll be with you

I want to look into your eyes
for a thousand years
I want to see the hands
that swept away my fears
I want to dance in the arms of my mighty God
I want to weep at the feet of my Father

And though my heart will tremble with sighs
I'll stand face to face with the Light giving Life
It could be today it could be tonight
And if you come to take me when my life is to depart
I'll close my eyes, and care not, I'll fly straight to your heart

When I see the sunsets
and the birds fly away
I know that my heart's set
for you on that day
and wither I go I care not as long as I'm with you
When I see the clouds roll
and thunder rush on high
I sigh within myself
it could be tonight
and wither I go I care not because I'll be with you

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