Thursday, September 3, 2009

Love and War

There is never peace on this earth.
Turmoil is her constant compainion
If it isnt new death or old birth
Its war in some trench or canyon.
And if theres no battle outside my home,
I find it in myself when Im alone.

Where is peace,
is it in your arms, in your songs
If it is it sure dont last long,
Cause I get so distracted
By all that I lack,
my future and past,
Quiet my mind
Make my cares subside
Let me sing songs to you alone
Until I find my burden lifted and Im home.

I need your peace in the morning,
I need it at night,
I need you to hold me,
tell me it'll be alright
Your more glorious than war,
Your more victorious by far,
You know behind and before,
You of all have the worst scars

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